Small neighborhoods are often tight-knit communities. This togetherness can be wonderful but can also present challenges. Things can become tense when you throw a governing board into the mix. If you are in charge of your COA, try these tips on how to run a small condo association

Keep a Consistent Schedule

Schedule monthly meetings with homeowners to give them a chance to air their concerns. Officers should plan to meet bi-weekly to address any issues. A reliable schedule will keep residents and officers engaged because they will know what to expect. 

Stick to the Rules

You may hold power in town, but showing preferential treatment is not how to run a small condo association. Establish clear guidelines, and stick to them. Bending the rules for your friends can create animosity among other community members.

Find Time for Fun

Disputes among neighbors can be stressful for the board and residents, so try to lighten things up by planning activities. An occasional cookout or craft fair can go a long way in uniting people. When occupants get to know each other, they may find friendlier ways to resolve their differences. 

Condo associations work hard for their residents, but running a COA in a small community can be dicey. Having clear goals and respecting members will lead your board to success. 

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